
As a professional organizer, I help individuals and businesses create systems and processes to increase efficiency and reduce clutter and chaos. I use a variety of techniques, including time management, space planning, and organizing strategies, to create a more functional and efficient environment for my clients.

Organizing Your Child's Closet For The New Year

Organizing Your Child's Closet For The New Year

Organizing a child's closet can be a daunting task, but with a little bit of planning and some basic organizing principles, you can create a clutter-free and functional space for your child's belongings. One way to do this is by using the Elfa system from the Container Store, which is a customizable storage solution that allows you to create a tailored layout for your child's closet. Here are some steps to help you get started:

  1. Start by decluttering: The first step to organizing any space is to get rid of items that are no longer needed or used. Sort through your child's clothes, toys, and other items, and donate or dispose of anything that is no longer needed.

  2. Make use of storage solutions: To keep the closet organized over time, it's important to have a place for everything. Consider adding storage solutions such as baskets, bins, and organizers to help keep smaller items like socks and underwear contained. For clothes that are out of season, invest in storage bins or under-bed organizers to keep them out of the way.

  3. Use a closet system: A closet system can be a great investment for keeping your child's closet organized. The Elfa system from the Container Store is a customizable solution that includes shelving, hanging rods, and drawers, allowing you to store and organize a variety of items in a compact space. The system is adjustable, so you can adapt it to your child's changing needs as they grow.

  4. Encourage your child to put things away: Teaching your child to put their belongings away is an important part of maintaining an organized closet. Encourage them to hang up their clothes and put away their toys and other items as soon as they are finished using them. This will help prevent clutter from building up and will make it easier to keep the closet organized over time.

  5. Set aside time for regular decluttering: To prevent the closet from getting cluttered again, set aside time on a regular basis to go through your child's belongings and get rid of anything that is no longer needed. This could be done as part of your child's bedtime routine, or as a monthly or quarterly activity.

By following these steps and using the Elfa system from the Container Store, you can create a functional and clutter-free space for your child's belongings, and help them develop good habits for keeping their closet organized over time.

PRO TIP! Adding a donation bin and an "outgrow" bin to the top shelf of your child's closet can be a simple and effective way to keep the space organized and clutter-free.

Here's how these bins can help:

  • Donation bin: As you declutter your child's closet, you'll likely come across items that they no longer need or use. Rather than letting these items take up space in the closet, consider adding a donation bin where you can store them until they can be donated to a charitable organization. This will help prevent clutter from building up and will allow you to easily keep track of items that are ready to be donated.

  • Outgrow bin: As your child grows and their interests change, they will likely outgrow certain clothes and toys. Rather than getting rid of these items immediately, consider adding an "outgrow" bin where you can store them until they can be passed down to a younger sibling or donated. This will allow you to keep these items organized and easily accessible, rather than having them take up space in the closet.

By adding these bins to the top shelf of your child's closet, you'll have a convenient place to store items that are no longer needed or used, helping you to keep the space organized and clutter-free over time.

Happy Organizing,

Jessica - Founder, Thoughtfully Organized

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